Kel~ My Story: Silly sayings that piss me off (:

Friday, March 11, 2011

Silly sayings that piss me off (:

Just a silly post here, but when some people write, even when the speak, some tiny little things irritate me. Two of these are:

  • "10am in the morning" - Why "in the morning"? doesn't "am" imply MORNING?
  • "Watakushi" - I know it is a real word and used grammatically correctly, but the sudden "ku" in the middle irritates me.

    I'm sure I'll think of some more soon. (:

    I'm Kel, and this is my story~
  • 1 comment:

    1. I've never thought about people saying '10am in the morning'... I wonder if I say it? I don't think I do...

      Watakushi? Without the 'ku' it would mean...I in I learnt something from Law Sensei :O
